Iveta – A Special Flogger

Iveta – A Special Flogger

Trust can be something wonderful. You give trust and you get trust. What happens if Lady Iveta can no longer trust you? Well, our little idiot here tried it out once.

You could say he lost trust with his behaviour. Not a good idea because with something like that, Lady Iveta comes up with really great ideas. We’ll just stick to the issue of trust. You can always trust one thing at Iveta. Hard blows, no mercy, a lot of pain and wicked torture tools. What she is holding in her hands to regain her trust is a real splendour in red. You have never seen or felt a flogger like this. This hissing sound is unique and the effect is fatal. Trust us.

Iveta - A Special Flogger

Iveta - A Special Flogger

Iveta - A Special Flogger
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